#ESG guidelines from Oracle #PBCS


A complete chart of account made of more than one thousand KPI / Indicators and a full set of Unit of Measure for Scope 1,2,3 conversions and calculations. Oracle #PBCS Demo Kit for ESG Reporting is a great base that helps clients and consulting firms in gap analysis, transition phase from GRI to CSRD and … Read More

#ESG Reporting on Oracle #PBCS

2024-06-18Experlab Services

We are ready to show you Oracle #PBCS application on GRI / CSRD reporting. This meeting is also an opportunity to help you in the transition from your sustainability reporting as you have always done … To the “To be” for next december closing. Send an email to s.francese@experlab.it to schedule a meeting to navigate … Read More

EXPERLAB meetings: Managing Balance Sheet #Movements

2024-06-05EPM School

Save the date, Friday 14 June, 2:30 – 3:00 pm CET Focus on #FCCS. When we talk about loading Balance Sheet data, we have roughly two phases: Closing Balances input; Movements input. In our meeting we will see in detail the phases of the second process and in particular: Using Input Forms for loading asset … Read More

EXPERLAB meetings: #Securities on Oracle EPM Cloud

2024-05-14EPM School

Save the date, Friday 17 May, 2:30 – 3:00 pm CET Oracle EPM applications are structured to be managed by multiple users (n.10 in case of the Standard version, no.25 in the Enterprise version) in a collaborative mode. There are roughly two types of users: base-level users and administrator users. One of the first activities … Read More

EXPERLAB meetings: #ESG Reporting

2024-05-02EPM School

EXPERLAB is pleased to announce that in the near future it will organize seminars to study together the new ESG / CSRD directives and verify how the Oracle EPM Starter Kit, based on #PBCS, responds to these needs. We will share session dates soon. #epmschool #experlab

Job offer on Oracle EPM practice


Job offer For ambitious development plan of its Performance Management business Experlab is looking for: – No.2 senior consultants on Oracle Epm tools; – No.1 back-office & marketing professional. Curriculum and motivation letter to Stefano Francese, e-mail: s.francese@experlab.it Full details on: EXPERLAB – Job offer March 25th 2024

Our way of demo on EPM tools

2024-03-14Experlab Services

Twenty years of history on #Consolidated Financial Statements and #Planning & Management Reporting implementations mean that we have learned to listen to the needs of CFOs, Finance Managers and IT Directors. One of the most exciting parts of our job is presenting product demos to anyone who wants to digitize their financial closing processes and … Read More