We summarize some of the latest release updates in order of importance (both from a consultant and a user point of view), up to October 2020:
1. Journal in YTD;
2. Internet Explorer no longer supported;
3. Choice of the scenario for the reopening of balances 31.12;
4. Extraction of Intercompany, Journal, Consolidation reports in number format, no longer text;
5. Changing the order of execution of the rules set;
6. Business rules available in the Data Integration;
7. Ability to customize the column width of the Web Forms;
8. New entities created inherit the process status of the parent entity, on previous periods;
9. Refresh is no longer necessary before Member Selection in Smart View;
10. Possibility of activating notifications (promotion, approval, rejection) for a specific entity, for a user;
11. New Disclosure Management extensions for Smart View;
12. New commands of EPM Automate;
13. New dashboard 2.0 on Oracle Jet technology;
14. Improvements in the activity report on system performance / rules execution;
15. Assigning users to user groups that can be imported via CSV.